Year 2018 , Volume 7, Issue 1, Part 3 Year 2018 , Volume  7, Issue 1, Part 3
1Theoretical and Practical-Actional Components of Intercultural Competence Development
Pages: 197-213
Details (1013)
Being lately understood as a dialogical and participative competence, the intercultural competence is a product of the network of interactions in time and space. The term "cultural" can name all the features, including the values and beliefs people grow with, the national, regional and local customs and in particular the attitudes and practices that affect the way they work. The aim of this study was to emphasize the role of intercultural competence development, process that can be achievable in any socio-cultural environment. The training area is one where teachers and learners interact, form and develop a range of skills, including the intercultural ones. We aimed at identifying the marks of a model of developing the intercultural competence and assessing the impact it has on a sample of 68 students who participated in the psycho-pedagogical training module during 2016-2017. The competence profile of the teacher also includes the intercultural competence, as communication in an intercultural context has an increasingly important role. Interculturality brings with it a new communication matrix, which requires an opening from the interpersonal and social communication to an intercultural communication. The proposed model is a methodological option which aims at a better communication between people of different cultures. Keywords: Teachers, Training, Model, Culture, Communication.
2The Impact of Consumer Ethnocentrism and Antecedents in an Emerging Market
Pages: 214-222
Details (962)
In the era of globalization, consumers are being more exposed than ever before to varieties of foreign products from other countries. This leads to a substantial competition between international marketers to expand their business around the world. However, international marketers become more concerned to understand consumer attitudes toward foreign products before they make their market strategies. International marketing literature suggests that consumer ethnocentrism is an important factor in making the consumers adversely evaluate foreign products. This study aims to develop a model that can be used to assess the impact of consumer ethnocentrism and its antecedents on consumer purchase intention toward foreign products in an emergent market. All the hypotheses were developed based on the findings in the existing literature. Measures were adopted from prior researches. A self-administrated questionnaire was used via convenient and snowball-sampling techniques. Keywords: Ethnocentrism, Cultural openness, Conservatism, Idealism, Relativism, Saudi Arabia.
3The Extent of the Jordanian Governmental Sectors Ability to Employ Job Seekers in Jordan
Pages: 223-236
Details (626)
The current study aimed at investigating the ability to the Jordanian government to attract job seekers based on a set of variables which are (Decision making skills, Engagement with private sector, Make Services More Citizens Centered, Improved Procurement Strategies, and Develop Core Competences). The study employed the quantitative approach in reaching the hypotheses of the study, questionnaire was the used to collect the data from (51) employee and official within the Jordanian government, employment department. The result of the study indicated that the Jordanian government is following recruitment strategies for employees which is based on the well-built set of plans and approaches that can help the government be more focused on its needs rather than the end results. In addition to that, it appeared that the governmental citizen-centered services have helped in giving the government a better image compared to the previous plans which also contributed in focusing more on the skills and talents in attracting job seekers. The study however recommended; Developing training and development activities based on the use of the best modern practices related to identifying the government's training needs and developing the required training plans; also,Measuring the impact of the implementation of the training and development system on individual and institutional performance. Keywords: Government, Public, Employee, Jordan.
4Does the Volatility of Foreign Portfolio Inflow to Saudi stock Market affect Financial Variables? An Investigation by means of Multivariate GARCH (MGRCH)
Pages: 237-250
Details (765)
This paper aims at investigating volatility spillover of foreign portfolio investment (FPI) inflow to Saudi stock market on financial variables. The model comprises six financial variables that is Tadawul all Shares Index, foreign portfolio investment, nominal effective exchange rate, interest rate differentials, oil prices and price-earnings ratio. Multivariate GARCH (MGARCH) estimates of quarterly data covering the period 2006q1 – 2017q2 confirms that influence owing to covariance stationarity (modulus smaller than one) of four variables including FPI. Results unveil that there is long-run relationship among model variables and all coefficients of the mean and variance equations are very much significant. Keywords: Financial Variables, Covariance Stationary, MGARCH, Modulus, Spillover, Volatility.
5Evaluation of Health Policies in Turkeys Development Plans
Pages: 251-257
Details (812)
Five Years Development Plans, which are prepared by the Ministry of Development, which was previously named State Planning Organization (SPO), are the basic policy documents that include plans for Turkey’s economic, social and cultural development issues in the long term. Development plans ensure a unity in terms of goals both for government and for general society. Ten different special development plans for the years between 1963 and 2018 are prepared. The basic goal of all these different plans are the same: Enabling Turkish society has a happy and prosperous life. Quantitative goals that will enable development in upcoming periods in Turkey are determined in the frame of these plans. The concept of health, which is defined as physical, spiritual, social well-being, is one of the significant factors that should be taken into consideration while creating these development plans. Health policies are the precautions that are taken by governments in order to generalize and develop healthcare services for ensuring a spiritually and physically good life for society. Manpower can be efficient in development efforts only when physical and mental health is ensured. Health policy of a nation is firstly determined in development plans. Both governments and families spend a lot of time and money on health care services. The goal of this study is to present the preparations for upcoming periods in the field of health policies in development plans, to draw attention to present and potential financial problems, to develop ways to solve determined financial and humane problems and to make suggestions. Qualitative pattern document analysis technique is used in this research. At the end of the study, research finding, result and suggestions are presented. Keywords: Development Plans, Health Policies, Health Utulities, Health Financing, Healthcare Professionals.
6The Changing Performance in the Financial System- An Empirical Brief in Innovative Services and Products of Banks
Pages: 258-267
Details (697)
Financial innovation is viewed as the act of creating and popularizing new financial instruments, technologies, institutions and markets, which facilitate access to information, trading and means of payment. The paper became necessary as a result of the increased alternative payment systems which has redefined the banking operations in Nigeria and world over. We observed the twenty one (21) Deposit Money Banks licensed by the Central Bank of Nigeria as at 2016 but utilized Sixteen (16) of them purposively selected without bias for representation in terms of progressive innovation. We analyzed the annual reports, accounts, and inter-switch statistical information of the sampled Banks by measuring their performances in terms of returns on equity (ROE). The revealed evidence shows significant relationship between Automated Teller Machines transaction and financial performance while mobile transaction, internet transaction, and point of sales transaction have no significance on the financial performance of deposit money banks in Nigeria in terms of coefficients other than their joint influence even though the factoring of bank size and net interest income bears much on banks’ financial performance. Keywords: Bank Financial Performance, Innovative Products, Market Trading, Returns on Equity, Deposit Money Banks, and Progressive Innovations.
7Predicting Financial Bankruptcy of Five Manufacturing Sectors in Pakistan Using Logistic Regression
Pages: 268-277
Details (1099)
Financial distress is a debatable issue among the researchers especially in developing economies. This study investigates the significant financial indicators for five manufacturing sectors listed on Pakistan Stock Exchange (PSX). Sample consists of 35 bankrupt and 156 non-bankrupt companies from textile, cement, sugar, technology and communication and power generation and distribution sectors. Study uses two data sets from 2005 to 2013 for estimation sample and 2014 to 2016 for holdout sample. Logistic regression analysis comprises of sixteen financial ratios under respective indicators i.e. profitability, liquidity, leverage, asset efficiency and size. Findings of the study reveal six significant financial ratios for each indicator i.e. return on equity (ROE), quick ratio, current ratio, shareholder’s equity to total assets, sales to current assets and natural log of total assets. Results show overall model accuracy of 89.6 percent for estimation sample while 92.2 percent for holdout sample which indicates model consistency with better financial distress prediction power in the context of Pakistan. Keywords: Financial Distress Prediction, Pakistan Stock Exchange, Bankruptcy, Financial Soundness, Logistic Regression.
8Content Analysis of Promotional Messages Conveyed by Retailers in Mannar District
Pages: 278-289
Details (887)
Since the beginning of conflict resolution in Sri Lanka, Retailers in Mannar have been promoting their products to consumers via different media vehicles. Over the years, the promotional processes and systems used by retailing have been tailored and modified in order to meet the demands of the consumers. Nowadays promotional messages are greatest important to all business to realize the objectives of the businesses successfully. Suitable promotional messages support consumers for their purchase decisions. Promotional message content is important, because those fascinate consumers. Today’s retailers must find new ways to attract consumers and inspire high levels of customer retention. Purpose of this research is to identify the different contents of promotional messages conveyed by the retailers in Mannar, where many retailers penetrated after conflict resolution. This research analyzed the contents of promotional messages in 24 Newspaper Advertisements and 26 Catalogs. This research frequently identified the contents of pesticides and herbicides promotional messages. Based on Carlson’s classification contents are summarized based on product oriented, process oriented, Image oriented, environmental reality orientated and integrated promotional messages. Content analysis was used to classify those promotional messages into five categories. Different promotional messages are identified from the different product advertisements. There is inadequate promotional messages on environmental reality, and integrated messages identified in this study. Consumers seek for innovation, creativity as well as the environmental friendly concern. Therefore, present study provides implications to retail sector in Mannar to design further promotional messages which integrate the orientations on product, process, Image, and Environmental reality. Keywords: Advertisements, Content Analysis, Catalogues, Promotional Messages, Retailers.
9Dream and Interpretation A Point View in Governmental Strategic Financial Planning: Derived from Islamic Religion
Pages: 290-302
Details (680)
In this study, the researcher investigated how to finance deficit of budget without borrowing or asking others to help out, that method derived from Islamic religion through discussing the ideas mentioned in verses 47-49 from Yusuf Surah, Those verses relate to the interpretation of the dream of the king that interpreted by prophet Yusuf peace upon him, the dream mentioned in verse 43. Researcher discussed the budgeting process, the approaches of preparing budgets, and criticisms of the current approaches of preparing budgets. The researcher concluded that the methods of preparing budgets are insufficient to achieve efficiency and effectiveness of good financial planning and financial control, since the budgets in most countries suffered from deficits, suggested an Islamic approach, benefit from the basics of preparing budget, morals, ethics, and values mentioned in Yusuf Surah, that it must be followed by those who treat with public funds. Keywords: Dream, Interpretation, Budgeting, Deficit, Surplus, Financing.
10The Impact of Foreign Indirect Investment in the Primary Market, Evidence on Amman Stock Exchange
Pages: 303-316
Details (1240)
This research aimed at showing the independent variables was measured, i.e., the net foreign indirect investment, National deposits in Jordanian banks, Government general debt, Gross Domestic product, Money supply (M2) on the new issues of the companies listed on the Amman Stock Exchange during the period covered by the research (2005-2016). This analysis is necessary to know the overall effect of all the independent variables on the dependent variable. The second stage consisted of testing the four hypotheses of the research using simple regression analysis. The financial data were collected through the official website of the Amman Stock Exchange and the reports issued by the Central Bank of Jordan. The study found that there was a significant statistical effect at (0.10) for all the independent study variables: net foreign direct investment, internal government debt, GDP and money supply (M2) on the new issues in the primary markets. The importance of this study is the first of its kind according to the researcher's knowledge, which focused on the impact of macroeconomic variables on new issues in the primary market on the Amman Stock Exchange. The results of this study are very important for the decision-makers in the Jordanian state to highlight the importance of each variable of the study on the expansion of existing projects, or investment in new projects because of these projects of importance in increasing economic growth and employment of economic resources stalled. Keywords: FDI, Primary, Market, Amman, Stock Exchange.
