Paper Details
Title Theoretical and Practical-Actional Components of Intercultural Competence Development

Being lately understood as a dialogical and participative competence, the intercultural competence is a product of the network of interactions in time and space. The term "cultural" can name all the features, including the values and beliefs people grow with, the national, regional and local customs and in particular the attitudes and practices that affect the way they work. The aim of this study was to emphasize the role of intercultural competence development, process that can be achievable in any socio-cultural environment. The training area is one where teachers and learners interact, form and develop a range of skills, including the intercultural ones. We aimed at identifying the marks of a model of developing the intercultural competence and assessing the impact it has on a sample of 68 students who participated in the psycho-pedagogical training module during 2016-2017. The competence profile of the teacher also includes the intercultural competence, as communication in an intercultural context has an increasingly important role. Interculturality brings with it a new communication matrix, which requires an opening from the interpersonal and social communication to an intercultural communication. The proposed model is a methodological option which aims at a better communication between people of different cultures. Keywords: Teachers, Training, Model, Culture, Communication.

Pages 197-213
Volume 7
Issue 1
Part 3
File Name Download (1013)
DOI/AUN 10.30543/7-1(2018)-19
