Paper Details
Title Multi-Channel Shopping Behavior of Consumers: Fashion and Design Industry of Pakistan

Consumer behavior has undergone transformational changes because of whole range of new products, changing lifestyles, advancements in communication technologies, readily available information, and multiple shopping channels. Specifically, consumers of contemporary era want a shopping ecosystem where they have consistent interaction with brands across multiple channels. However, Despite the benefits that multichannel shopping provides to consumers and the increased availability of products on various channels, multichannel shopping has not yet received widespread acceptance. One of the reasons is consumer’s different perceptions for accepting new technology. Thus, the purpose of current study is to identify the technology acceptance drivers that influence multichannel shopping behavior of consumers. To this end “Unified theory of acceptance and use of technology extended (UTAUT2)”, has been applied. Moreover, UTAUT2 model is modified by an additional variable of perceived risk and its effect has been investigated. Descriptive statistics, reliability, and confirmatory factor analysis was examined through SPSS statistical package, while Amos 22.0 was used for the “Structural Equation Modelling (SEM)”.
Keywords: Technology Adoption, Multichannel Shopping, Perceived Risk, Facilitating Condition, Social Influence, and Effort Expectancy.

Pages 281-291
Volume 9
Issue 2
Part 2
File Name Download (559)
DOI/AUN 10.30543/9-2(2020)-21
