Paper Details
Title Investigation of Organizational Agility Perceptions of Business People in a Low-Income Province

The purpose of this research is to examine the perception levels of the business people operating in a low income province in Turkey regarding the organizational agility of the business for which they work and whether they differ in terms of some demographic variables. Yozgat, which is one of a low-income province, is chosen for sampling. In this research, which is designed as single survey model, one of the quantitative research models, organizational agility scale was applied to business people working in different sectors. As a result of the analysis of the data obtained from 224 business people, it was found that the organizational agility perceptions towards the organizations of the business people and the competency, flexibility and responsiveness subscales scores forming the scale were high and the quickness subscale score was very high. In addition, the organizational agility perceptions of business people towards their organizations were examined in terms of different demographic variables.
Keywords: Organizational Agility, Business Person.

Pages 162-179
Volume 9
Issue 2
Part 2
File Name Download (541)
DOI/AUN 10.30543/9-2(2020)-12
