Paper Details
Title Gender Equality for Lao Women: Mining Communitys Perspective

It is evident that women are largely excluded from sharing of the economic benefits from international mining industry. The gendered impacts of mining industry on women, therefore, is critical. In this paper, the researcher investigates the impact of mining companies on gender equality through the perceptions and life experiences of female workers, members of the community, and their family in a mining community in Lao PDR. Through the analysis of the community perspectives, the study shows that CSR and other economic programs on women employment, social roles, and health promotion can influence the likelihood of sustainable development likelihood by mining companies. The main obstacle for the promotion of gender equality remains work conditions and expected gender roles in the community.
Keywords: Gender, Women and Work, CSR, Sustainable Development.

Pages 288-294
Volume 8
Issue 3
Part 1
File Name Download (551)
DOI/AUN 10.30543/8-3(2019)-4
