Paper Details
Title Determinants of Post Implementation Success of ERP In Tunisian Companies: An Empirical Study of The Moderating Role of The Technical Fit

Studies on Enterprise Resource Planning system (ERP) are many, but few of them dealt with the postimplementation stage. The aim of this paper is to identify the determinants that affect the post implementation success (PIS) of ERP and check for the moderating effect of the variable technical fit on this relationship. Data are collected through a questionnaire of 47 Tunisian companies that have already implemented an ERP system for at least two years. The collected data are processed using SPSS 18 software. Given the nature of the variables, we chose the simple linear regression to test our research hypotheses. The results of the survey indicate a significant relationship between PIS of ERP and the following critical success factors (CSFs): Top management support, organizational fit, and external support. However user involvement has no statistically significant effect on the PIS of ERP. On the other hand, we were able to point to the effect of the mediator variable technical fit. Key Words: Top management support, organizational fit, external support, user involvement, post implementation success of ERP, Tunisian Companies.

Pages 1101-1112
Volume 2
Issue 4
Part 2
File Name Download (1170)
