Paper Details
Title Demographic Factors in the Evaluation of Service Quality in Higher Education: International Students? Perspective

The increasing number of international students studying in advanced countries has focused attention on service quality in higher education. Service quality is a subjective matter and hence its measurement is usually made from the perspective of students. This study adopts the conceptual framework proposed by Min, Khoon and Tan (2012) in which motives of the study, expectation, perception and satisfaction are highlighted as being the key elements of service quality. This study attempts to investigate the role of demographic factors in the evaluation of service quality. The study used the data from a survey conducted in a private higher education institution in Singapore. The results revealed that, among the demographic variables, gender, nationality and the present level of study are influential in the evaluation of service quality, but the age factor does not make any significant difference in the key elements of the service quality evaluation. Nationality is found to be the most influential factor in the motivation and evaluation of service quality. A demographic, the present level of study can also cause different levels of motives of study, expectation of service quality and satisfaction. Gender impacts more on the level of satisfaction of the service than on service quality. Thus, educational marketers are well-advised to deliver educational services based on demographic segments, particularly nationality groups and levels of study. Key Words: Service Quality, Motives, Expectation, Perception, Satisfaction, Demographic Factor, Higher Education.

Pages 994-1010
Volume 2
Issue 4
Part 1
File Name Download (1468)
