Paper Details
Title Congruency Between Information Professionals and Users Readiness Attributes, and the Digital Information Environment: A Mixed Approach Investigation

This study investigates the extent to which information professionals and users readiness attributes are congruent with the digital information environment. The Facebook was used to form a focus group of twenty information professionals from different academic libraries and resource learning centers in Oman. A questionnaire was distributed to 237 students from high schools in Muscat District, Oman. Data collected through the focus group were analyzed using thematic categories. SPSS was applied to analyze the questionnaires. Information professionals were willing to play an active role in the digital information environment if their organizations offered them opportunities to gain more training and rehabilitation to upgrade their readiness attributes. Students had favorable attitudes towards the use of ICT for general purposes and social communication. Information professionals need to be involved in organizational strategies and policies to update their readiness attributes and to match their thinking and actions with the overall organizational goals and strategies. They should be motivated through all available incentives and career opportunities to inspire them to act and achieve. Users should be directed towards better investment of their IT skills. Thus, they would not be addicted to the use of the Internet for only social purposes, but also to correlate their readiness attributes with the continuously changeable digital information environment; more behavioral and systematic orientation is required. Key Words: Digital users readiness, digital information environment, information professionals and digitization, information values, professional competencies and skills, professional genes.

Pages 1075-1084
Volume 2
Issue 4
Part 2
File Name Download (1104)
