Abstract |
The aim of the study was to assess the perceptions of employees on green quality of working life at the public organizations in Southern Zone State, Malaysia namely as Johor State, Malacca State and Negeri Sembila State. In this study, the Green Quality of Working Life dimensions consists of job satisfaction, salary, supervisory support, social relationship with management and colleagues, training and development, team-based practices and leadership. The number of respondents involved of this study for three states are 520 respondents with overall average rate of response is 83 percent. The findings on the average total score of agreement on Green Quality of Working Life showed that the dimensions of Job satisfaction at Johor State scored the highest with 61 percent, the average total score on Salary showed Negeri Sembilan State scored the highest with 62 percent, the Supervisory Support total average score shows the Malacca State scored the highest with 62 percent. The dimension of The Social Relationship with Management and Colleagues and Training and Development showed that the total average score at Johor State scored the highest with 56 percent for both dimensions whilst the total average score for Team-Based Development dimension, Johor State also scored the highest with 63 percent. The Leadership dimension shows the highest average total score is Negeri Sembilan State with 61 percent. Key Words: Green Quality of Working Life, Job Satisfaction, Training and Development, Team-Based Practices.