Paper Details
Title A Study of the Correlation Between Leisure Benefits and Behavioral Intentions ?Using Bantou Arts and Cultural Village as an Example

The main purposes of this study are to investigate the difference in the leisure benefits and behavioral intentions of visitors to Bantou Arts and Cultural Village, and to further investigate the correlation between leisure benefits and behavioral intentions. This study selected the visitors of the Bantou Arts and Cultural Village as research subjects. A total of 450 questionnaires were distributed, and 407 valid samples were retrieved, for a valid return rate of 90%. The data were analyzed with t-test, one-way ANOVA, and canonical correlation analysis. The results indicated that: 1) there is no gender difference in leisure benefits of visitors to Bantou Arts and Cultural Village; 2) there is no difference in behavioral intentions among visitors of different occupations to Bantou Arts and Cultural Village; 3) there is a difference in behavioral intentions among visitors of different ages to Bantou Arts and Cultural Village, and the purchase intentions of those aged 40~50 is higher than that of those under 20; 4) there is correlation between visitors? leisure benefits and behavioral intentions, suggesting that the higher the visitors? leisure benefits, the higher their behavioral intention. Key Words: Leisure benefits, Behavioral Intention, Bantou Arts and Culture.

Pages 1065-1074
Volume 2
Issue 4
Part 2
File Name Download (1126)
