Paper Details
Title A Conceptual Framework for Citizens Adoption of E-Government

The purpose of this study was to investigate underlying constructs that played roles in citizens’ decision to use e-government services. In this study, we discussed each construct and supporting literature that contributes to developing a conceptual model. This study developed a conceptual model that explains the relationship between these constructs and the behavioral intention to use e-government services. The developed conceptual model integrates constructs from the Technology Acceptance Model (perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness), the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology model (social influence), and trustworthiness (trust of government and trust of the Internet), with introducing the construct of perceived corruption. The proposition of the conceptual model provided a foundation to further empirical testing for the constructs that influence the adoption of e-government services. Key Words: E-government Adoption, Social Influence, Corruption, Citizen Trust, TAM, UTAUT.

Pages 1171-1183
Volume 6
Issue 3
Part 3
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