Year 2017 , Volume 6, Issue 2, Part 4 Year 2017 , Volume  6, Issue 2, Part 4
1Strategic CSR Dimensions and Value Creation in Socially Responsible Mexican Firms
Pages: 790-810
Details (2959)
The article examines the relationship between the strategic dimensions of corporate social responsibility (centrality, specificity, proactivity, visibility, voluntarism, and strategic value creation), in 50 socially responsible companies from the northwestern region of Mexico. In addition, it sought to establish a pattern of importance among these dimensions according to the executives’ perceptions. By means of multiple linear regression, it was found, that the specificity of CSR activities is positively related to the strategic value creation for the firms, while voluntarism is negatively related. Additionally, the results of a repeated measures ANOVA show that centrality is perceived as the most important dimension, while visibility is of lesser relevance to the participants. Key Words: CSR, Strategic Firm Value, Mexico, Value Creation, Socially Responsible Firms.
2Knowledge Sharing Behavior Among CBA Students
Pages: 811-818
Details (1496)
The study was conducted to determine the degree of knowledge sharing support system and the degree of knowledge sharing behavior among 98 CBA students. This study utilized the descriptive correlation research design. The study found out that the respondents are very much convinced that their instructors motivate students to share whatever knowledge imparted to them; the students consider information technology as a means to support their willingness to share information they have learned; the respondents agree to share their classmates their classmates all the resource materials which can be useful academically; the respondents are assured that the knowledge they share would help their classmates improve their academic performance; the respondents agreed to make use of the internet available at home or at the university; that the respondent’s knowledge sharing behavior s dependent to their degree knowledge sharing support system in terms of instructor’s support, and lastly, the respondent’s knowledge sharing behavior is dependent to their degree of knowledge sharing support system in terms of technology support. Key Words: Knowledge Sharing, Support System, Information Technology, Academic Performance.
3Academic and On-the-job Training Performance among Business Administration Students AY 2015-2016
Pages: 819-828
Details (9106)
This descriptive-correlational study aimed to determine the significant relationship between academic performance and on-the-job training performance among forty four students from the College of Business and Accountancy, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, University of Perpetual Help System Laguna, Philippines. For the respondents’ academic performance, majority obtained satisfactory rating in Business Management, and fairly satisfactory rating in both Human Behavior in Organization and Human Resource Management. The on-the-job training performance of Business Administration students is very satisfactory in the indicators of attendance, personality, interpersonal relationship, dependability, initiative, flexibility, quality of work, communication abilities, utilization of resources and a satisfactory rating in facing issues and judgment. There is a significant relationship between the respondents’ academic performance in Business Management and on-the-job training performance indicators in terms of dependability, communication skills, and utilization of resources. Moreover, there is a significant relationship between the respondents’ academic performance in Human Behavior in Organization and on-the-job training performance indicators in terms of attendance, personality, interpersonal relationship, dependability, initiative, flexibility, quality of work, facing issues, utilization of resources and judgment. Lastly, there is a significant relationship between the respondents’ academic performance of in HRM and on-the-job training performance indicators in terms of personality, interpersonal relationship, dependability and judgment. Overall, there is a significant relationship among respondents’ Academic performance in Business Management, Human Behavior in Organization, Human Resource Management and on-the-job training performance. Key Words: Academic Performance, On-The-Job Performance, Business Management, Human Behavior in Organization, Human Resource Management.
4Evaluation Information System Success: Applied DeLone and McLean Information System Success Model in Context Banking System in KSA
Pages: 829-845
Details (3119)
This paper aims to expand the understanding of information system success dimensions as a critical factor through which information systems spread its influences on the banking success. This research empirically investigated the IS success evaluations in the banking sector in Saudi Arabia. By adopting information systems success (DeLone and McLean) model as for assessing the IS success in the banking system. The study will use a survey instrument to collect data to test the relationships shown in the research model. The sample of this study consisted of employees of the banking sector in KSA. Only 145 questionnaires used for analysis at 38% of total respondents. The study adopted measurement items from related studies of IS success. Different data analysis techniques will be used to validate the IS-Success model.The finding of the study provides empirical support for the existence of a positive relationship between the dimensions of IS success model.IS quality dimensions (information system, system quality, service quality) have a significant positive influence on user satisfaction and use. Just information quality has a significant positive influence on intention to use, but system quality and service quality, not signification. Also use and intention to use have a significant positive influence on user satisfaction. Finally user satisfaction, Use, and intention to use have a significant positive influence on net benefit. Key Words: Information System, Success, Banking System, IS Model, KSA.
5Tax Revenue Performance, Trade Liberalization and Macroeconomic Variables in Sub-Saharan Africa
Pages: 846-865
Details (1236)
The dilemma of tax revenue performance, trade liberalization and macro- economic variables has been in existence based on the need to diversify the economy to find inclusive growth and economic stability which is difficult to achieve due to global economic meltdown and crashing stock, this study seeks to examine the relationship. This study utilized the periods 2005-2014 to determine the significant relationship between tax revenue performance, trade liberalization and macro-economic variables of 22 sub-Saharan African countries. Several tests were conducted. The descriptive statistics showed the nature of the data. The Unit root test examined the stationarity of the series. Long run co-integration test, the Vector error correction model was engaged to check for possible long or short run connection among the variables. The Granger causality test was applied to determine the shock impact of one variable on the other. The Serial correlation test was conducted using the Breusch-Godfrey Lm and the Breusch-Pagan-Godfrey techniques. The findings concluded that inflation, interest rate and trade openness had a short run relationship with tax revenue unlike exchange rate and unemployment. Also, all variables apart from exchange rate were positively related to the dependent variable coupled with the fact there existed a one-way causation with the absence of serial correlation and heteroskedasticity among the variables. The study recommends that the government implementing efficient and transparent collection of taxes to be held accountable to the public which would promote voluntary payment and implore policies to promote labour intensive programmes and infant industries which would lead reduce unemployment, lead to a developed market and boost the standard of living of its citizens. Key Words: Tax Revenue Performance, Exchange Rate, Interest Rate, Inflation Rate, Trade openness and Unemployment Rate.
6Profitability of Small Domestically Owned Banks in Croatia
Pages: 866-877
Details (1167)
This paper studies the profitability of small domestically owned banks in Croatia. Profitability indexes such as ROA, ROE, Net Interest Margin and Net Profit are employed in measuring profitability for the small domestically owned banks. This research shows that small banks need to have better business model and management in order to have more sustainable profitability results. Key Words: Banks, NIM, Profitability, ROA, ROE.
7Government Budget Deficit and Long-Term Interest Rate Yields in Jordan
Pages: 878-885
Details (774)
The paper is aimed at investigating the main factor that influences the long-term interest rate yields in Jordan. That is the government budget deficit. The importance of which is that such knowledge would help not only financial managers with their capital and operational decisions, but also bank asset/liability management and risk. For this purpose, the paper examines the effect of the government budget deficit and other factors on the ex post interest rate yield on long-term bonds in Jordan during the period (2000-2013). The multi-regression results show that government budget deficit and real personal tax rate variables are statistically significant. This indicates that, after controlling for other variables, there is a significant impact of budget deficit on long term interest rate in Jordan. This result is in line with the theory and the literature. Key Words: Government Budget, Deficit, Long Term, Interest Rate, Jordan.
8The Impact of IT on Firm Performance: Mediating Roles of Business Process Management and Supply Chain Management Competence
Pages: 886-897
Details (1228)
The aim of the study reported here was to explore the effect of information technology on firm performance through the mediating roles of business process management and supply chain management in companies located in the Shiraz Industrial Estate in Shiraz, Iran. A structured questionnaire was distributed among a sample of 105 managers and other personnel with experience in moderating activities in business processes and supply chain management. A descriptive correlational research design was employed to address the research questions and hypotheses. The data were analyzed using Smart-PLS software as well as structural equation modeling (SEM) and path analysis. Results indicated that IT had no direct significant effect on firm performance. It did, however, achieve a significant indirect positive effect in association with business process management and supply chain management. It was also found that IT influenced business process management and supply chain management positively and significantly. Companies performed better under the influence of business process management and supply chain management. Key Words: Information Technology (IT), Business Process Management (BPM), Supply Chain Management (SCM), Firm Performance.
9Perception of Mobbing in a Mexican Manufacturing Company
Pages: 898-908
Details (939)
The purpose of the study was to identify the perception of mobbing in workers of a Mexican manufacturing company. The design was descriptive, cross-sectional and correlational. The sample was non-probabilistic with real participation of 187 employees who individually answered the Questionnaire of Strategies of Harassment in the Workplace of Leymann (1989) modified by Gonzáles de Rivera and Rodríguez-Abuín (2003). The results show that the overall perception of mobbing in all participants is 5%, in employees with permanent contract is 3% and in those with temporary contract of 6%, the difference being significant and, finally in workers with an operator's job position is 6% and in managers it is 5% so it is not a significant difference. The perception of mobbing of the workers of the manufacturing company is in frequent ranges in international investigation and low when comparing it with other Mexican studies. Key Words: Mobbing, Workplace Harassment, Workplace Violence, Psychological Harassment, Moral Harassment.
10The Effect of the Capital Structure and the Efficiency of the Use of Assets on the Persisting Earnings in the Jordanian Industrial Companies listed in the Amman Stock Exchange: An Empirical Study
Pages: 909-925
Details (1087)
The objective of this study is to investigate the effect of the capital structure and the efficiency of the use of assets on the persisting earnings in the Jordanian industrial companies listed in the Amman Stock Exchange(ASE). To achieve the objectives of the study, a sample of 48 industrial companies was tested during the period 2009-2015, and the number of observations used in the test was 336. To test the hypotheses of the study, a multiple regression (OLS) was used for the Pooled Data Regression. The study found that industrial companies achieve persisting earnings. The study also found the existence of a positive effect that is statistically significant for each of the capital structure (debt ratio), and indicators of the efficiency of the use of assets (of asset growth rate, working capital turnover, and the rate of current assets turnover), on the persisting earnings. The study also found no effect of the ratio of debt to stockholder equity, and the ratio of long-term debt to long-term assets on the persisting earnings. Accordingly, the study recommends that the management of companies maintain the persisting earnings and exert more effort to exploit the company's assets with the best possible efficiency to achieve sales volume so that it can achieve persisting earnings to enable it to continue its activities. Key Words: Persisting Earnings, Capital Structure, Asset Efficiency, Industrial Companies, Earnings Quality.
