Year 2016 , Volume 5, Issue 4, Part 2 Year 2016 , Volume  5, Issue 4, Part 2
1The Relationship Between Academic Staffs Perception of Organizational Justice and Demographic Factors: A Case Study in Foundation Universities in Turkey
Pages: 1406-1412
Details (1077)
Organizational justice can be described as the results of the impacts of organizational decisions and implementations over personnel’s perceptions. Organizational distribution channels, restructuring the organization, transfer of authority and responsibility, inclusion of staff into decision-making process can be given as examples to organizational implementations. Employees feeling of injustice during organizational implementations and decision-making might cause psychological problems such as stress, depression and anxiety. The aim of this research is to determine the relationship between academic staff’s perception of organizational justice and demographic factors in foundation universities in Turkey. Convenience Sampling is chosen as the sampling method of the research. Organizational Justice Scale developed by Niehoff and Moorman (1993) and Folger and Konovsky has been selected as the data gathering method. 180 academic staff from various foundation universities has been involved in the scope of this research. Research results indicate that there is no statistically significant difference among gender, age, education level and marital status and distributional, procedural and interactional justice perception of academic staff. Key Words: Perception of organizational justice, demographic factors, Foundation University, Academic Staff.
2Industrial Cluster, Cooperative Ties and Innovation Performance: A Conceptual Model
Pages: 1413-1423
Details (1501)
As the process of adaptation to the requirements of a global economic environment based on knowledge and innovation, industrial clusters consisting mainly of SMEs continue to make the buzz within the academic world as well as policy makers. However, the empirical results of their effects on innovation are far from unanimous. In this context, we present a conceptual model on the basis of the literature explaining the indirect effect of clusters on innovation through the double putative mediation of inter-firms and industry-science cooperation. This model also focuses on two potential moderating effects. That of inter-organizational trust which conditions the dynamics of cooperation and that of the absorptive capacity to clarify the boundaries underlying to the transformation of cooperation opportunities (Inter-firm and industry-science) into innovation performance. This paper concludes with potential practical implications and suggestions for future research. Key Words: Cluster, Cooperation, Trust, Absorptive Capacity, Moderation, Mediation, Innovation Performance.
3Effects of Risk Attitude, Entrepreneurship Education and Self-Efficacy on Entrepreneurial Intentions: A Structure Equation Model Approach to Entrepreneurship
Pages: 1424-1433
Details (2629)
Entrepreneurship increases national competitiveness and is an important driver for economic growth. Researchers have tried to predict future entrepreneurial behavior, particularly through the study of entrepreneurial intentions. This study is based in an international sample of 264 respondents and analyses the effect of risk attitude, entrepreneurship education and entrepreneurial self-efficacy on entrepreneurial intentions. The proposed Structure Equation Model shows that entrepreneurship education and entrepreneurial self-efficacy have a positive effect on the intention to become an entrepreneur, whilst risk averseness has a strong negative effect on entrepreneurial intentions. These findings can be used for the effective promotion of entrepreneurship by focusing on the factors that have the biggest effect on entrepreneurial intentions. Key Words: Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurial Intentions, Risk, Education, Self-Efficacy, Structure Equation Modeling.
4Impact Analysis of ERP Trainings on Organizational Employee Performance: A Corporate Sector Study
Pages: 1434-1441
Details (2433)
Trainings are very important for any organization for providing updated information about their systems and procedures. In Pakistan Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) is gaining importance day by day for gaining competitive edge. This paper aimed at investigating the nature and impact of ERP trainings on employee performances. Five organizations were selected from corporate sector of Pakistan in order to collect and analyze the data having sample size of 201. Questionnaires were distributed through convenient sampling technique. SPSS 16.0 was used for regression analysis in order to find the relational impact of ERP training with employee performance. In findings, ERP trainings showed the positive relationship impact on performance of those employees who were engaged in ERP training activities. Organizations can take benefits after considering the importance of these upgraded trainings for better performance of employees as this is one factor which should be addressed and adopt. Key Words: Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), ERP Training, Employee Performances.
5An Influence of Global Energy Index and Global Material Index Volatility in Asia Two Stock Markets: Empirical Study of Taiwan and Singapore Markets
Pages: 1442-1449
Details (1043)
The empirical results show that the proposed model is appropriate in evaluating the relationship of the Taiwan’s and the Singapore’s stock markets. The empirical result also indicates that the Taiwan’s and the Singapore’s stock markets is a positive relation. The average estimation value of correlation coefficient equals to 0.5597, which implies that the two stock markets is synchronized influence. Besides, the empirical result also shows that the Taiwan’s and the Singapore’s stock markets have an asymmetrical effect. The volatility of the Taiwan and the Singapore stock markets receives the influence of the positive and negative values of the global energy index and the global material index volatility. For examples, under the good news of global energy index and the global material index markets, the empirical result shows that the variation risk of Taiwan stock market will affect the variation risk of the Singapore stock market. And the variation risk of the Singapore will also affect the variation risk of the Taiwan stock market. Under the good news of the global energy index and the global material index, the variation risk of the Taiwan’s stock market is larger than the variation risk of Singapore’s stock market. Key Words: Stock Market, Asymmetric Effect, IGARCH Model, AIGARCH Model.
6The Validity of Environmental Kuznets Curve Hypotheis in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia: ARDL Bounds Testing Approach to Cointegration
Pages: 1450-1464
Details (1330)
The paper aims at estimating the validity of Environmental Kuznets Curves in KSA employing annual data over the period 1971 to 2013 using the Autoregressive Distributed Lagged (ARDL) bounds testing approach to cointegration proposed by Pesaran and Pesaran (1997) and Pesaran, (2001) and Non- Granger Causality within the VECM framework to explores the short-run and long-run causality direction applying the F-statistics of Wald-test. The. The ADF test ensures that the variables are either I(0) or I(1) but not I(2). The ARDL results show that there is a long-run equilibrium relationship among Carbon Dioxide emission (CO2), economic growth energy consumption, and population density. The results reveal short and long run positive and significant impact of economic growth on CO2 emission, and that the long run elasticity is less than the short-run elasticity. Following the Narayan (2010) approach, where for the EKC to exist, the long-run elasticity should be less than short-run elasticity, the results provide support for the existence of EKC in KSA. The Non-Granger causality results reveal bidirectional causality between economic growth, energy consumption, population density, and CO2; economic growth and population density, energy consumption and .population density, whereas, unidirectional causality runs from CO2 to population density. The Saudi government may help establishing the Environmental Kuznets Curve relationship between air pollution and economic growth by implementing various policies to reduce the emission level. For example, imposing taxes on pollution and increasing the role of renewable and clean energy (nuclear energy) consumption and energy efficiency. Key Words: EKC Hypothesis, ARDL, Granger-Causality, VECM, Economic Growth. Pollution.
7Communication of Doctors With Patients as a Factor For (Not) Quality Health Service
Pages: 1465-1473
Details (1030)
Health policy of every modern country, which shows a responsible attitude towards its citizens, resulting in caring for their health, based on the principles that the doctor and his dignity is guaranteed and constantly upgraded. This attitude of modern states to doctors as part of the health system stems from the need to develop the same satisfaction in the work that would implemetiraat through his humane attitude towards patients, which is attached to complete individual quality health service. Such conditions create a climate in which the physician in its communication with the patient fully exercise its professional and expert knowledge, but also develop conditions for mutual trust and respect to patients by the introduction of assertive communication and implementation of his emotional intelligence. Social systems that their general health policy not based on these principles, contribute directly or create a health environment in which compromise the quality of the health service. Key Words: Health Policy, Doctors, Patients, Assertive Communication, Emotional Intelligence, Humanity.
8The Specific Factors for Strategic Leadership Style and Its Impact on Competition Strategy Selected
Pages: 1474-1484
Details (2360)
The study endeavors to explain the specific factors for strategic leadership style and its impact on competition strategy selected, which is chosen by this leadership for a targeted organization that belongs to it. Therefore, this study attempts to approach such important and difficult subject because of many factors that affects strategic leadership style and selection of competition strategy that will be approved in the organization. Based on that, many factors were included especially administrative, environmental and personal ones. Along with the common strategic leadership style in organizations that are part of study sample and its effect range on competition strategy selection. The special technique related to administrative studies was used to achieve objectives of this study. Questionnaire of (26) questions was designed and developed in order to gather and collect information, it was distributed to 72 organizations which performed domain study. The collected information was based on primary exploration study with the purpose of constructing and designing a study model. Six assumed hypotheses were based on literatures related to the subject. The study model was divided into six dimensions; each dimension is related to a relevant hypothesis. The sixth hypothesis was assumed to know the relation between the strategic leadership style and the selection of competition strategy. Many statistical methods were used to achieve the results and test study hypothesis like Descriptive Statistics, Cronch's Alpha, Pearson's Correlation and One Sample t-test to measure reliability. Results of this study indicate towards acceptance of all of the six hypotheses, which means that there is an impact for the specific factors on strategic leadership style and on competition strategy selection. This study also explained that there is a positive moral relation between strategic leadership style and competition strategy selection. In spite of the limitation of this study but it remains as an attempt that can be developed by adding other sides and other factors in the future studies. I would like to mention that many factors are involved in this study as an attempt to explore its impact on strategic leadership style and the effect of this leadership on competition strategy selection. Key Words: Strategic Leadership, Competitive Strategy, Administrative Factor, Environmental Factor, Personal Factors.
9Service Quality, Customer Satisfaction, and Customer Loyalty of Internet Banking in Vietnam.
Pages: 1485-1496
Details (2496)
At the present time, the Internet plays an important role in people’s daily lives, and it should be considered as a service delivery channel that provides and maintains the service quality. In particular, the convenience of banking through the Internet that not only allows cost reduction for customers but also provides a quick and efficient service. The key purpose of this study is to find out the impact of factors relating to the service quality on customer satisfaction, and to test the relationship between the effect of the Internet banking service, customer satisfaction, and customer loyalty in Vietnam. Respondents numbering 293 from Vietnam were selected and interviewed in this study. Regression analysis was used to test the six research hypotheses. The results indicated that five of the six hypotheses were supported and reliability, fulfillment, efficiency, and website design, had a positive influence on the satisfaction of customers and customer satisfaction has been a significant influence on customer loyalty. Lastly, to propose effective measures on how to enhance the quality of the Internet banking service in Vietnam. Key Words: Internet Banking, Service Quality, Customer Satisfaction, Customer Loyalty, Vietnam.
10Strategy of Organizational Capacity Building Ecotourism Manage Based On Community through Organizational Capacity Assessment on Ecotourism Wonorejo Rungkut and Wisata Anyar Mangrove Gunung Anyar Surabaya City
Pages: 1497-1505
Details (1123)
Organizational capacity assessment of managing ecotourism based on community is important to do on the organization in determining the capacity enhancement plan, based on a needs assessment of self. Assessment of the capacity of the organization can monitor the effectiveness of previous actions, evaluate progress in increasing capacity and identify areas within the organization managers who need reinforcement. This research aims to examine and assess the conditions existing organizational capacity managing of ecotourism based on community through organizational capacity assessment on Mangrove Ecotourism Wonorejo Rungkut and Wisata Anyar Mangrove Gunung Anyar in Surabaya city. The result of the organizational capacity assessment. Methods in this study is elaborate the assessment capacity of UNDP (2008) and Mwiya Mundia (2009). Indicators of governance which is a combined value at the location of the study there is Incipient level. This is different on the indicators, indicators of management practices and service delivery indicators of External Relations on the level of Emerging. On human resources indicators and indicators of sustainability there is a Mature level. Key Words: Organizational Capacity Assessment, Ecotorism.
