Year 2016 , Volume 5, Issue 3, Part 2 Year 2016 , Volume  5, Issue 3, Part 2
1The Gaps Model of Service Quality and Higher Education Delivery in Botswana: An Internal Customer Perspective
Pages: 902-911
Details (3740)
This paper sought to establish the existence or absence of gaps in the quality of service delivery in selected higher education (HE) institutions in Botswana, based on the Gaps Model of service quality, from the perspective of selected employees as internal customers. A survey of key literary sources on the Gaps Model of service quality as well as general marketing and services marketing was conducted which formed the theoretical underpinning for the study. Five HE institutions were chosen and treated as a single case study. The quantitative research methodology was adopted whereby quantitative data was collected through a questionnaire. Probability sampling procedure (random sampling) was used for quantitative data collection. The results of the study revealed the existence of all the five gaps that comprise the Gaps Model of service quality in terms of the state of service delivery in the selected HE institutions covered in this study, from the perspective of their employees. It was revealed that service standards were not what employees expected; there was poor upward and horizontal communication; there was excessive employee monitoring, and there was lack of stakeholder involvement in decision-making. Key Words: Gaps Model, Service Delivery, Services Marketing, Service Quality, Internal Customer.
2Group Cognition as a Foundation for Organizational Strategy: Psychological, Social and Collectives Representations Shared in Perspective
Pages: 912-925
Details (921)
Theory of management has a set of assumptions about human atitudes and behaviors, managerial actions consistente with these assumptions and expectations about employees mental models if these actions are implemented. Human relations models are nowadays adopted to analyse the reality of organizations. Organizational strategy, in the field of organizational studies, refers to an intentional activity, specifically situated in a given labor context. Its validity is reached by interaction between social organizational actors and their shared believes and social perceptions. Little attention is given to embrace psychological and sociological approaches to investigate organizational strategy. The psychological contributions applied to organizational studies relate to the understanding of the forms of human interaction at work and their relational dynamics. The effects of organizational structure on the norms of conduct, social practices and the establishment of rules, visible or invisible, are also studied. This paper aims to discuss ways to interpret strategy, based on the identification of collective beliefs and perceptions socially shared by individuals and groups. We discuss the use of concepts arise from psychology and sociology needed to strategy investigation, considering the organization as social and collective entities. We conclude that strategy must be investigated based on the adoption of socio/interactionist interventions native of social psychology and collective social cognition. Key Words: Organizational Strategy; Organizational Behavior, Social Cognition; Collectives Beliefs and Perceptions; Social Representation.
3Assessing Productivity and Economic Growth in Kuwait Agriculture Sector, 1986-2013
Pages: 926-937
Details (883)
This study assesses the economic growth of Kuwait Agricultural Sector over the time period from 1986 to 2013 and analytically decomposes its major components: multifactor productivity (MFP) growth rate and production-factor intensity (FI). Findings show that the Gulf (Kuwait) War during 1990–1991 almost completely destroyed this sector. However, the annual growth rate of gross output improved substantially and sustained after 1992. Findings also show that the MFP growth (especially from 2006 onward) has been the driving forces for the growth this sector. Findings from a structural vector autoregression (SVAR) analysis show that the government effort in developing this sector has temporary effect on the development of this sector. Government policy should be targeted to improve the MFP growth which has the permanent effect on the growth of this sector. Key Words: Multifactor Productivity (MFP), Divisia Index, Kuwait, SVAR.
4Transformational and Transactional Leadership Styles and Employees Job Satisfaction in Vietnamese Local Companies
Pages: 938-950
Details (1944)
The purpose of this paper is to study the impact of leadership style on job satisfaction in Vietnamese Local Company. In order to investigate before mentioned problem, the representative quantitative empirical research was conducted in 2015. It includes 121 staffs and managers from Vietnamese local company. The Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ-5X) and the Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire - Short Form were used to measure the two leadership styles and the three scales of job satisfaction, respectively. The empirical research suggested a positive and significant relationship between the two groups of variables. Multiple regression results suggested that transformational leadership was better than transactional leadership as a predictor of intrinsic, extrinsic and general job satisfaction. The transformational leadership may play an important role in increasing job satisfaction of employees at local companies in Ho Chi Minh, Da Nang, and Hanoi, Vietnam. Key Words: Vietnam, Local Company, Job Satisfaction, Transformational, Transactional, Leadership Style.
5Structure of the Public Revenues and Expenditures and their Effect on the Deficit of Jordanian Public Budget
Pages: 951-960
Details (2548)
This study aimed to identify the effect of public revenues and expenditures structure on the Jordanian budget deficit and the effects of budget deficit on the internal and external debts since 2006 through 2014. The data annually published on the Jordanian public budget and publications of Jordanian Studies & Economics Policies Directorate will be used, financial ratios were calculated using the (Excel software program) and simple and multiple regression analysis used to test the hypotheses of the study. The conclusions of this study were: the tax revenue's effect Jordanian public budget deficit is larger than non-tax revenues, also the current expenditures effect public budget deficit is larger than capital expenditures, and the Jordanian public budget deficit effects the internal debts and external debts, the researcher emphasized on his recommendation to policy making increasing the effective employment of external and internal loans in investment rather than consumption projects for purpose of raising the level of gross domestic product GDP, as doing so assists the best exploitation of the hidden resources strengths which reflect on increasing the direct and indirect public resources with an effect of reducing the deficit level in the public budget. Key Words: Public Revenues, Public Expenditures, İnternal Debts, External Debts, Public Budget.
6Impact of Organizational Morality on Employee Creativity:Mediating Role of Organizational Pride
Pages: 961-971
Details (961)
Morality shapes the way the employees experience their work and organize their existence or status in society, making people go beyond the usual limits and practice creativity even in the absence of if-then rewards. This research study is a small contribution to the vast literature on the organizational factors and their effects on employee work outcomes. It is a relatively new perspective in terms of Pakistan’s advertising industry but not anonymous. The study has explored how organizational morality enhances employee creativity when mediated by emotions of organizational pride in context of employees of advertising agencies. The explanatory study has used simple random sampling to collect data from employees of 17 confirmed advertising agencies in Lahore. Multiple regression analysis was used by applying Baron & Kenny (1986) steps to test mediation. All of the results were significant; organizational pride partially mediated the relationship between organizational morality and creativity of employees. Key Words: Organizational Morality, Organizational Pride, Employee Creativity.
7IS Strategic Alignment: The Clan Cultures Impact. A Four Case Study (Tunisia)
Pages: 972-985
Details (1192)
This paper explore the role of the cultural dimension in IS strategic alignment, focusing its analysis on the impact of organizational culture. A theoretical exploration crossing the field of the IS strategic alignment with that of organizational culture has enabled us to both substantiate and justify the cultural assumption which was tested among four Tunisian firms which were in the post-changeover phase of their ERP systems. Twelve interviews were made with a selection of General Managers (GM), IT and Business Department Executives. The analyses of the empirical material show that a “Clan Culture” (Cameron & Quinn, 1999) based upon the values of communication, information sharing and internal partnership has a significant impact on IS strategic alignment. Such results provide empirical evidence of the relevance of taking into account the cultural assumption as a potential stimulator for IS strategic alignment. Key Words: Strategic Alignment, ERP Systems, Organizational Culture, Content Analysis.
8Building a Model for Determining the Factors Affecting Mobile Marketing Acceptance and Adoption
Pages: 986-1007
Details (1506)
This research aimed to develop a conceptual model of mobile marketing acceptance and adoption and empirically test it in the Jordanian market. The research methodology and design have utilized a quantitative approach in which a structured questionnaire was developed as a primary data collection method. The research population was all mobile subscribers who have active mobile lines in the Jordanian market. The sample size was 2000 mobile subscribers. The response rate was 73.5%; 1470 questionnaires were returned for analysis, while the valid number of questionnaires used was 1330 from the returned questionnaires. The data analysis strategy has used quantitative statistical analysis using descriptive and statistical analyses. Social Package for Social Sciences (SPSS-19) and Structural Equation Modeling (EQS6) software packages were utilized in the analysis strategy to achieve the research objectives. The results showed that perceived ease of use, social norms, content and customization have a negative and significant effect on mobile marketing acceptance. Meanwhile, perceived usefulness, entertainment and credibility have a positive and significant effect on mobile marketing acceptance. Also, privacy has a non-significant effect on mobile marketing acceptance but its effect is positive. Further, mobile marketing acceptance has no mediation effect on the relationship between factors affecting mobile marketing acceptance and mobile marketing adoption. Mobile marketing acceptance has a non-significant positive effect on mobile marketing adoption. Research conclusions, practical recommendations, contributions to the mobile marketing literature and future research opportunities are also discussed. Key Words: Mobile Marketing, Adoption, Acceptance, Perceived Usefulness, Entertainment and Jordan.
9Emergence of the Time- Driven Activity- Based Costing
Pages: 1008-1020
Details (1193)
The main aims of this article are to provide a brief analysis for the following inquiries: 1) what are the potent influencing contexts that have led to the emergence of the Time-driven Activity -Based Costing (TDABC)? , and 2) what can be learned from the development of the TDABC for future research? The research method is based on the “Archival Approach”- library search and exploring of the content of the published literature in the sphere of the Conventional Activity Based Costing (CABC) since 1980’s to date. “Qualitative Content Analysis”, “Exaggeration Theory” and “Innovation Theory” are also used. The findings of the study revealed unambiguously that five imputes were influential in the emergence of the TDABC: 1) abundance of the incompatible theoretical and empirical evidence pertinent to CABC, 2) implementation obstacles involved in expending CABC, 3) low rate adoption of the CABC, 4) exaggeration of the usefulness of the CABC and 5) assimilation of the TDABC as a contemporary and innovative technique by proponents. These factors holistically indicate that a successful implementation of any system is dependent on designing thriving and solid theoretical, as well as practical premises for the system. Furthermore, the marketing aspects of the system are an influential factor in diffusing the system. Innovative features of the system are also extremely significant in this regard. Thus, proponents of the TDABC should not exaggerate the usefulness of the TDABC. Otherwise, TDABC will pursue the same path as CABC, and it may be abolished soon. Key Words: Time- Driven Activity Based Costing (TDABC), Conventional Activity Based Costing (CABC), Exaggeration Theory, Innovation Theory, Cost Management System.
10Obstacles and Motivation behind Conversion of Conventional Banks to Islamic Banks: An Overview
Pages: 1021-1038
Details (3659)
Converting from conventional to Islamic banking involves significant changes due to the different nature of conventional and Islamic banks. Actually, Conventional banks are facing several obstacles due to non-existence of comprehensive framework for the conversion process. Some prominent obstacles are shari’ah compliance, resistance of conversion, human resources, Islamic financial products, and regulations and legislations. In this paper, the researchers provide a comprehensive review of the literature on the conversion process into Islamic banking system. This paper discusses the concept of the conversion process and highlights the challenges and obstacles facing the conversion process into Islamic banking. Therefore, this paper shed a light on some major factors that may hinder the success of conversion process. To investigate key obstacle factors, this research sketched the issues from literature (research articles, existing survey findings, concepts) involved with conversion process, and the motivations were prompted the conventional banks to convert to Islamic banks. However, the main objective of this study is to investigate the factors that influence the success of conversion process from conventional banks to the Islamic banks and the motivations for this process. The study suggests that the conversion process should be looked at as a comprehensive process of all components of the economic and financial system. Conventional banks which that to convert to Islamic banks should follow the format for financial statements suggested by AAOIFI in general and shari’ah standard number 6 (conversion standard) in particular. More research is needed to determine the most important factors that influence the conversion process into Islamic banking. This paper is the first of its kind that provides a comprehensive and integrative critical literature review that can serve as a useful checklist for Islamic banking researchers and leaders in their quest of evaluating the conversion process from conventional banks to Islamic banking. Key Words: Conventional Banking, Conversion Process, Motivations of Conversion, Islamic Banking.
11Social Networks in University Students: Academic Use and Learning Scenarios
Pages: 1039-1047
Details (916)
Social networking is one of the technological tools currently used by most college students, and some companies are beginning to use it to support their business processes. Information technology has developed communication elements needed to break the paradigms of time and space in which human relationship were based, affecting all areas including education. The objective was to analyze the use of social networks in the academic field in students of the Autonomous University of Chihuahua. The study was not experimental, descriptive, transactional and quantitative type. A questionnaire was used as a tool for gathering information, since it integrates the set of questions about the variables that attempt to measure, and besides allows to standardize data collection. The results showed that there is a great opportunity to manage the social networks with academic focus, and thus generate benefits for the learning process. Some research shows that if they are properly used they can bring great benefits such as: acquisition of computing skills, access to repositories of information, and development of social capital. Key Words: Social Networks, Academic Use, Students, Mobile Technologies and Learning Scenarios.
