Year 2014 , Volume 3, Issue 2, Part 5 Year 2014 , Volume  3, Issue 2, Part 5
1An Extension of Financial Cost, Information Quality and IDT for Exploring Consumer Behavioral Intentions to Use the Internet Banking
Pages: 1229-1235
Details (1271)
Due to the continuous improvement of Internet technology, the number of Internet users in the whole world has been increasing rapidly. It was estimated that there were 1.2 billion Internet users in 2013, thus making Internet banking a popular activity, too. In this study, the Diffusion of Innovations Theory proposed by Rogers (1983) and Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) will be uses as a framework, based on which three variables, namely financial costs , information quality and computer self-efficacy, will be added in. Hopefully, in this way, this paper can design a new and better hybrid of Technology Acceptance Model to study the impact on the behavioral intention of Internet banking users in Taiwan. The results of the study show compatibility, perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, computer self-efficacy, information quality has a great positive effect upon the behavioral intention to use the internet banking; and perceived financial cost has a great negative effect upon the behavioral intention. Key Words: Internet Banking, financial costs, Diffusion of Innovation Theory, Computer Self-Efficacy, Information quality.
2Tax Planning and Financial Performance of Small Scale Enterprises in Kenya
Pages: 1236-1243
Details (2476)
In order to ensure the efficiency and effectiveness of activities, reliability and compliance with applicable laws, small scale enterprises need to have adequate tax controls. The study sought to find out the extent to which expenditure on capital assets in tax planning, to determine how tax planning by Capital Structure influence performance of small enterprises, find out how tax planning through Advertisement expenditure influence performance of small enterprises and to assess how tax planning through Legal Forms of enterprise influence performance of small enterprises in Embu CBD. The study had a total population of one hundred and forty nine respondents and a sample of 30 percent was drawn from each stratum. The data was then presented in form of Percentages and Tables. The study found the influence of tax planning by capital structure, tax planning in investment, capital asset planning through advertisement expenditure and found that the Legal Forms of small enterprises in Embu CBD has no significant relationship. The study recommends that small scale enterprises should be ready to seek advice on tax planning. Further to this, the study recommends that there is need to have NGOs to sensitize the respondents as to the need to do formal tax planning as it could increase their Business profitability. Key Words: Tax Avoidance, Tax Evasion, Tax Planning, Capital Structure.
3Investigating the Psychological Impact of Colors on Process of Consumer Shopping Behavior
Pages: 1244-1253
Details (2351)
Buying the necessaries in the not too distant past was not as appealing as it is today. Families bought their necessaries from disorderly dark shops which provided almost everything but the kitchen sink in a small space. But nowadays consumers find themselves in colorful rows of glittering goods in places in which the combination of psychological, sociological and marketing factors has changed them to a pleasant environment. The result of this collaboration is the shopping carts getting full and empty more than the needs of the households. The diversity of goods, in spite of the upsides, makes the shopping decision a terrible dilemma. For most consumers, choosing the needed goods and materials requires full attention and the way a product is chosen is limited to the color, packing and appearance in general except in cases which the consumer may have used the item before or been familiar with it. It is necessary to consider some basics in deciding the color and packing of new products, regarding the fact that the message conveyed by the color of the product is highly significant. Some fundamental research is crucial on the way to this goal. The aim of this research is the study of psychological impact of colors on the process of consumer shopping behavior. This research aims at practical ends and benefits from a descriptive-survey method. In order to collect information, library method has been used. A researcher-made questionnaire has been utilized to study psychological impact of colors on the process of consumer shopping behavior. The statistical population was a number of customers of Refah chain store in Isfahan city. Simple random sampling was used in order to determine the amount of the sample. Based on this, 80 questionnaire sheets were divided among the customers. In order to analyze the data the statistical software program SPSS and the Pearson correlation test were used. All the Hypotheses have been accepted accordingly. Key Words: Shopping Behavior, Psychology of Colors, Shopping Decision.
4Entrepreneurial Business Orientation and Economic Survival of Nigerians
Pages: 1254-1263
Details (1556)
This study examines the effect of Entrepreneurial business operation on the economic survival of the Nigeria people in Ilorin Metropolitan area. Random sampling techniques was used, from which the sample of various SMEs Owners (Entrepreneurs) was drawn through the simple random sampling, a sample of (50) Entrepreneur were selected from a list of registered SMEs-Owner in Ilorin. Fifty (50) Questionnaires were administered and distributed to the Entrepreneurs across the South local government in Ilorin. The responses were analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) analytical package. The results of the research show that small scale business operation has a positive and significant effect on the economy Survival. From the analysis carried out and the data obtained from this research work, the result validates that Small scale business operations contribute to the economic growth of a nation. Also, there is a significant relationship between entrepreneurial business operations and the productivity. Establishment of small scale businesses brings at least 50% increase in profitability and productivity has the age of the business increase. There is positive relationship between small scale business and employment. The higher the small scale business established the more employment of youths increase. Key Words: Small and medium scale Business, Business Orientation, Entrepreneurial, Economic; Ilorin, Nigeria.
5Effective Strategies for the Improvement of Human and Material Resources Management in the Nigerian Local Government System
Pages: 1264-1274
Details (3135)
In every area of organization, human and material resources play an indispensable role. Badly managed, the human and material resources of an organization can limit their progress in every direction. Wellmanaged human resources with well-managed material resources will precede successful and efficient local government system, hence resources management provides a systematic assessment, requisitioning and approval process for the evaluation and acquisition of products, equipment?s, and resources, whose objective is to continually seek opportunities to reduce costs and improve performance through the costeffective selection and standardization of products, equipment and related process while maintaining or improving the quality of care/services provided to the people. Key Words: Local Government, Service Delivery, Human Resources, Material Resources, Management.
6Childrens Influence in Family Consumption Decisions: An Integrative Approach
Pages: 1275-1287
Details (1727)
This study takes an integrative approach to examining childrens influence in family decision-making in Iran. To develop a conceptual model of childrens influence, social power theory and consumer socialization theory were used. Social power theory appears to complement consumer socialization theory in explaining childrens gains of consumer knowledge and skills from their parents. The research was conducted in 2013. This research is descriptive of survey type. The data was collected from 385 families, both from parent and children in 2 schools in north and center of Shiraz, Iran, to allow a comparison of perception in influence. Clustering sampling method was used to select our sample. Multiple regression method and confirmed factor analysis was used to analysis the data. Based on the research results we found that children apply expert, referent, reward, and coercive bases of active social power to perform influence attempts, either in the positive manner or in the negative manner. They perform these strategies to have greater influence on family purchase decision-making. Parents felt that their children use legitimate and coercive powers more than other powers. This means that parents perceived their children to be influential by using positive and negative ways. A new variable of family communication patterns was added to the previous models. Key Words: Children, Family Decision Making, Influence, Social Power Theory, Consumer Socialization Theory.
7Contemporary Issues of Discrimination In The Labor Market
Pages: 1288-1315
Details (1199)
discrimination in the labor market and its consequences. For this purpose were used the results of research and studies conducted on the main actors in the labor market, namely employers and employees (research conducted in Europe and in Romania). The paper provided information resulting from research, on how they evolved salaries by gender, as they were driving for employment tackled by women and men who are Benefits for Organizations and Benefits for Employees If a efficient management of gender diversity. We present the benchmarks on legislation and a range of information, tools and resources for managers and human resource managers in practicing effective management of employees, women and men. We propose in this paper to draw attention to a worrying fact namely though the labor market is the most complex regulations regarding the prevention, combating and sanctioning discrimination on various criteria, discrimination in general and discrimination on grounds of gender, in particular, continues to manifest strongly and obviously diminish managerial efficiency and consequently economic and social progress in the contemporary world. The major and fundamental purpose of the present paper was to optimize organizational performance resulting from the application of diversity management. Key Words: Gender Discrimination, Labor Market, Managing Diversity, Human Resource Management, Firm Performance, Job Satisfaction.
8Strategic Organisation Development and Project Performance of Not for Profit Organisations? In Isiolo Sub-County-Kenya
Pages: 1316-1324
Details (1300)
The study was conducted to establish the influence of strategic organization development strategies on the performance of not for profit organizations projects in Isiolo district. The study was developed from a problems facing sustainability of not for profit organization projects due to inadequate application of strategic methods of running their operations. As a result many projects after completion an handover fail to continue delivering the benefits they were intended to. The findings of the study were found to be of great use to not for profit organization programme managers who will have more information on the techniques they can apply to enhance project sustainability. The study revealed areas of further research for future researchers. The study was guided by the specific objectives to establish how resource mobilization, stakeholder participation and strategic partnerships influence the performance of not for profit organizations projects. Hypotheses were also tested and data analyzed using logistic regression. The survey research design was used, purposive, convenient sampling and the primary data collection technique was structured questionnaires. The number of respondents was fifty two not for profit organization programme managers. The findings of the research established that stakeholder participation and resource mobilization do not significantly affect performance of not for profit organization projects whereas there is a significant relationship between strategic partnerships and performance of not for profit organization projects. The researchers therefore recommend that more levels of stakeholder involvement be undertaken and financial resources be prioritized for projects under implementation. Key Words: Strategic Organisation, Performance and Non-Profit Organisations.
