Year 2021 , Volume 10, Issue 3, Part 1 Year 2021 , Volume  10, Issue 3, Part 1
1Count me in: The Question of Being and Trans-Entrepreneurs
Pages: 1-12
Details (402)
Entrepreneurship has been imagined through the lens of the gender binary where gender influences entrepreneurial decisions and behaviours. Researching entrepreneurship is overlooked to understand trans-gender as entrepreneurs. Grounded in the Heideggerian lens accompanying lifeworld existential, the meaning of trans-entrepreneur was explored through hermeneutic- phenomenology. Fifteen transentrepreneurs were recruited through purposive and snowball sampling. Semi-structure interviews were used to get a rich description that reflects on the meaning they associated with their being as an entrepreneur. Results reflect their being as dual-authentic, revisionist and resilient. Revisionism is the unique insight that this study added as a new aspect of entrepreneurial being. The study has a theoretical implication that counts trans individuals as entrepreneurs and views their potential beyond gender biases.
Keywords: Entrepreneur, Gender, Transgender, Heidegger, Hermeneutic-phenomenology, Entrepreneurship.
2Antecedents of Organizational Culture in its Relevance with Change Management, Moderating Role of Transformational Leadership and Employee Empowerment An Analysis of HEI of Peshawar Region
Pages: 13-23
Details (491)
The rationale of the research is to investigate the importance of organizational culture in a Dynamic era of 21st century where only those organizations remain triumphant who transform change in their business. Whenever organization focused on change they encounter intense resistant from their employees as well as for conceptualizing of organization, culture conceived either as a variable or as a root metaphor. Philosophical stance of research was based on positivism and follows more deductive approach for this study. Cross sectional data of ten private sector organizations of Peshawar region were chosen. The findings of the study were moderately interesting in terms of change management with the important role of leadership found insignificant p> 0.051 and but shows weak relevance. However the results of organizational culture and change management were found significant P< 0.01 at 1% level of significance. Recommendation portion of the study suggest us that for the success of an organization culture play pivotal role in the dynamic parameters of change. On the other hand the role of empowerment played significant role for producing better organizational culture.
Keywords: Organizational Culture, Organizational change, Leadership, Empowerment.
3Corporate Governance and Firms Performance: Evidence from Automobile Assemblers Sector of Pakistan
Pages: 24-41
Details (498)
The objective of this research is to consider the connections between various corporate governance mechanisms, CEO-Duality, and business performance on Car Assembler Companies listed on Pakistan Stock Exchange (PSX). The data has been analyzed from 2016-2020. T-test and multiple regressions have been applied to verify the effect of corporate governance on business performance. The investigation results indicate that the Size of the Board, Audit Committee, Annual general meeting, and CEO-duality contain a positive relationship to companies’ performance. As a result, the correlation coefficient explains that return on equity and profit margin has a positive relation with independent variables for example Board size, Audit committee, Annual general meeting, and CEO-Duality but, all of them are statistically insignificant. Moreover, ROE Coefficient Results in Fixed Effects and Random Effects Model indicates that only board size has a negative and significant effect on ROE. More specifically, PM Coefficient Results in Fixed Effects Model explain that the Size of the Board shows a negative and insignificant impact on PM. Moreover, the other two independent variables i.e. Audit Committee and Annual General Meeting show a positive and insignificant effect on PM. While in the PM Coefficient Results in Random Effects Model explain that the Size of the Board, Audit Committee, and Annual General Meeting show a positive and insignificant effect on PM. Besides that, Duality shows a negative and insignificant effect on PM.
Keywords: Corporate Governance, Board-Size, Audit Committee, Annual, CEO’s Duality
4Intention Factors of Adoption Halalan Toyyiban Risk Management Plan: Between Technology, Organizational, Environment and Halal Awareness as Mediator
Pages: 42-52
Details (513)
The purpose of this paper is to answer the relationship between technology, organization, and environment, and the intention factors to adopt Halalan Toyyiban Risk Management Plan (HTRMP). The strongest factor will come out from this research which supports the intention to adopt halalan toyyiban risk management plan among food manufacturers SMEs in Malaysia. 120 samples of halal food manufacturer SMEs in Malaysia was used. The method used is a quantitative approach and using SEM-PLS to analyse the scientific data. The hypothesis of this research is to find the relationship between technology, organization, and environment and intention to adopt HTRMP, halal awareness as mediator. The results find that there are four positive relationships which were compatibility in technology, Organisational readiness and expected business benefit in the Organisation, and halal market in the environment are four criteria that have a favorable link with the intention adopt HTRMP. Compatibility also found as the most influential determinant for HTRMP adoption among food manufacturers SMEs. The data were collected during halal food events, Halal Festival (Halfest) and Selangor International Business Summit in Malaysia. The sample size is small. Findings can supervise the authority in successfully enhancing the application of HTRMP among food manufacturers in Malaysia. The food manufacturer can comply HTRMP accordingly with its benefit. The benefit of this research is to improvise the application of HTRMP among food manufacturers in Malaysia to increase and maintain the quality, safety and halal of their food products. Due to that HTRMP is lack study in halal management research from the previous journal.
Keywords: Halal Management, Technology factors, Organization factors, Environment Factors, Mediator, SEM-PLS.
5Organizational Culture and Civil Service Performance in Nigeria: A Study of Akwa Ibom State Ministry of Education (2010-2021)
Pages: 53-72
Details (328)
Civil service unlike any other public organizations is glued by norms and culture that regulate workers behavior and attitudes toward efficiency. These culture and principles serve as mode of operation upon which duties, offices are bound. Hence, employed are expected to adhere to the established norms of organization for efficiency service deliver. However, based on the above highlight, the civil service in Nigeria cannot be said to have up to its expectation of delivery qualify services to the people that will further help the government deliver on its mandate. This poor performance could be traced to low morale and weak morale which makes workers to neglect the culture and principles of the Civil Service which is anchored on meritocracy, impartiality, anonymity etc. The civil service in Nigeria still reels in politicization, merit sacrificed for quota-based recruitment/promotion, fraudulent staff claims, abuse of office/position, bribery and corruption, absenteeism, lateness, lack of organizational commitment, insubordination, aggrandizement etc. The paper adopted survey and descriptive research method and data were drawn from both primary and secondary sources. It was found out that the civil service is currently bedeviled with poor organizational culture and practices such from lateness, insubordination, lack of commitment to work, undue interference from the political office holders and other myriad of systemic problems. Based on the findings, the study concluded with some policy recommendations that civil service principles and culture should be highly adhered to by the civil servants which will in turn usher in the most needed productivity in the service.
Keywords: Civil service, Culture, Organizational Culture, and Performance.
6Macroeconomic Factors Influencing the Growth of Mutual Fund Industry in Pakistan: A Regression Analysis of ten Years
Pages: 73-81
Details (284)
This article aims to investigate the factors that influence the mutual fund industry’s growth in Pakistan. Financial markets are always exposed to systematic risks which are out of one’s control. Mutual funds being part of this market are dependent on the macroeconomic factors in the country. Pakistan’s financial market is quite volatile thus slightly change in any economic indicator can affect the growth of mutual funds. Globally, Mutual fund industry is expanding day by day and Pakistan is still far behind to meet with other country like USA, UK, and India as it contributes only 1.6% of the GDP in the year 2020. In this article, influence of four independent macroeconomic factors i.e. GDP growth rate, interest rate, inflation rate and exchange rate was analyzed against the dependent value of Asset under Management. Fiscal year data from 2011-2020 was taken from different authentic sources to perform the regression analysis using SPSS tool. Study concluded that GDP growth rate, interest rate and inflation rate have negative impact on the growth of mutual fund industry which means the value of AUM decreases when these factors tend to increase in the economy. Further, exchange rate has positive impact indicating that the value of AUM increases with the increase of this factor in the economy in Pakistan.
Keywords: Mutual Funds, Growth, Asset Under Management, Macroeconomic Factors, Regression Analysis, Pakistan.
