Year 2012 , Volume 1, Issue 1, Part 1 Year 2012 , Volume  1, Issue 1, Part 1
1Attaining Customer Loyalty! The Role of Consumer Attitude and Consumer Behavior
Pages: 1-8
Details (1767)

All over the world every business and profit earning firm want to make their consumer loyal. There are many factors responsible for this customer loyalty but two of them are prominent. This research study is focused on that how customer satisfaction and customer retention contribute towards customer loyalty. For analysis part of this study, Universities students of Peshawar Region were targeted. A sample of 120 were selected from three universities of Peshawar. These universities were Preston University, Sarhad University and City University of Science and Information technology. Analysis was conducted with the help of SPSS 19. Results of the study shows that customer loyalty is more dependent upon Customer satisfaction in comparison of customer retention. Customer perceived value and customer perceived quality are the major factors which contribute for the customer loyalty of Universities students for mobile handsets. Key Words: Customer Loyalty, Customer Satisfaction, Customer Retention.

2Acceptance of Islamic Banking in Muslim Customers A Comparative Study on Flaws of Interest Based Banking vs Positive Aspects of Islamic Banking
Pages: 9-17
Details (1484)

The Islamic banking is one of the most rapidly emerging trends in many different parts of the world. The interest based banking system has now been very evident to the economies regarding their impacts on the economies and the individuals involved. The study analyzed the key determinants of the Islamic banking in the banking customers living in Peshawar KPK using a self-administered questionnaire to collect data from the customers. Using a multiple regression model the study analyzed the data collected from a sample of 45 respondents and the results of the study suggest that the positive aspects of the Islamic banking and the flaws of the interests based has a positive relationship with the acceptance of the Islamic banking in Muslims across Peshawar KPK. Key Words: Islamic Banking, Flaws of Interest based banking and Positive aspects of Islamic.

3Concentric Diversification is a New Product Offering or Cannibalization. A Descriptive Study.
Pages: 18-25
Details (1299)

The large firms of the world offer multiple related products for three major reasons. First to provide variety to their consumers, second to capture maximum market share and third to build competitive pressure. But problem arise that does the firms really become successful in their efforts. Firms offer the new products as a variety offering or either competition pressure but the problem arise when the new product not positioned as a variety or either start competing with company old product so the concept of cannibalization started. For the purpose this research has conducted to find that does related products offered by some reputed firms in Peshawar Pakistan considered as a new variety offering, cannibalization or competition coverage. For research a sample of 100 respondents were contacted and a nominal scale non self administered questionnaire was used to collect data from them. For the analysis part of the study SPSS software was used to find the response of respondents through descriptive analysis and cross tabs analysis. Key words: Related Products, Variety, Cannibalization, Covering competition and demographic.

4Impact of Teacher Turn over on Students Motivation, Psyche and Performance.
Pages: 26-46
Details (1246)

In Education sector the role of teachers is important because they are responsible for the growth and building of students. In certain institutions teacher turnover has been observed. This research is conducted that how teacher turnover influence the performance of the students. For the purpose the private universities of Peshawar Pakistan were targeted to identify the impact of teacher turn over on the student?s performance. Study use randomly two private university and take the previous teacher turnover record. These two universities were Preston University Peshawar and City University of Science and Information technology Peshawar Pakistan. Study use descriptive statistics and correlation analysis part of this research. From the data analysis it is found that teacher?s turnover do have effects on the students motivation, performance as well as the psychological effects. The correlation between the three variables shows that motivation and performance have positive relation with each other while psyche plays its part in both positive and negative relations which concludes that even if the student is motivated and performing well, he takes burden, perceives things which cause burden, tension and depression. Key words: Teacher Turn Over, Motivation, Students, Performance.

5Component Wise Comparison of the Degree of Organizational Commitment.
Pages: 47-53
Details (1167)

This study was conducted to investigate the component wise comparison of the degree of organizational commitment. These components are affective, continuance and normative commitment. The participants were the faculty members of the private and public sector universities in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. It was found that the degree of commitment varies. Future avenues have been given for further investigation. Key Words: Organizational Commitment, affective commitment, continuance commitment, normative commitment.
