Paper Details
Title The Extent of Adoption of Islamic Work Ethics for Retail Trade in Palestine from the Point of View of their Customers

The study aimed at identifying the extent of adoption of Islamic work ethics for retail trade in Palestine from the point of view of their customers. The researcher selected a list of the retailers in Palestine, a stratified random sample of (322) retail customers was selected. The researcher developed a questionnaire as the main research tools. It consisted of a set of paragraphs examining the extent to which the retailers in Palestine adopts the ethics of Islamic work from the point of view of their customers. The results of the study indicate that there is a statistically significant correlation between the total degrees of retail trade in Palestine in relation to the commodity; furthermore, results indicate that there is a statistically significant negative correlation between (0.05) between the total score of the retail trade practices in Palestine and the Islamic work ethic. Based on the results of the study, the researcher made recommendations such as the necessity on the retailer’s part abide by the ethical obligations of informing customers about the products, Clarity and accuracy in their relationship with customers, The retailer must avoid high-price practices for some goods to make the consumer fancy that they are of high quality, not to reduce the price of goods that are about to expire, and not to declare the price of the commodity to be higher than the real price.
Keywords: Retail, Islamic Work Ethics, Commodity, Consumer, Promotion.

Pages 74-88
Volume 8
Issue 1
Part 1
File Name Download (560)
DOI/AUN 10.30543/8-1(2019)-6
